Dirk Lafaut
Dirk Lafaut is a FWO doctoral researcher at the Department of Philosophy and Moral Sciences of the VUB. He conducts research into moral understandings and normative frameworks regarding health care for undocumented migrants. The main objectives are (1) to critically question the normative debate and the ethical paradigms that are used in relation to access to healthcare for unauthorized migrants, (2) to gain a better insight in the way unauthorized migrants and healthcare workers experience and negotiate dilemmas and responsibilities due to difficulties in access to healthcare for unauthorized migrants in individual situations, (3) to work out an alternative theoretical model and normative framework that allows to analyze, understand and question current practices regarding healthcare for unauthorized migrants. Before becoming a researcher Dirk Lafaut was working as a physician. He worked abroad in international development jobs and humanitarian medical work for several years. From 2009 until 2015 he worked as a general practitioner in community health center De Sleep in Gent.