PCAI Events Spring 2025
Dear all, You are kindly invited to the following three events, organised by the PCAI collective. If you would like to attend one of the events, please register by sending an email to judith.van.lookeren.campagne[at] and m.niedda[at] Coming to terms with technology. Thinking with/in/through Hannah Arendt
CALL FOR ABSTRACTS Coming to terms with technology: thinking with/in/through Hannah Arendt In recent years, there has been an upsurge in literature examining the relationship between technology and Hannah Arendt’s political thought. This scholarly interest has taken multiple directions.Publication: 'Democratic Thought from Machiavelli to Spinoza: Freedom, Equality, Multitude' (EUP, 2024)
I am happy to announce the publication of Sonja Lavaert , Democratic Thought from Machiavelli to Spinoza: Freedom, Equality, Multitude Translated by Albert Gootjes Spinoza Studies series editor Filippo Del Lucchese - Edinburgh University Press, 2024 Please find the f...'Machiavelli, Spinoza, Marx' (Spinoza seminar 2024-2025)
The fourth edition of the Spinoza seminar at Vrije Universiteit Brussel is entitled ‘Machiavelli, Spinoza, Marx’. The seminar consists of reading sessions and presentations by Sonja Lavaert (VUB), Thomas Berns (Université Libre de Bruxelles), Nicolas Lema Habash (Universi...Atelier 'Spinoza et le transindividuel' (at ENS de Lyon)
On March 28 and 29, the workshop 'Spinoza and the transindividual' will take place in Lyon, organized by Pierre-François Moreau and ETHU-member Sonja Lavaert, and with the participation of, among others, ETHU-member Thomas van Binsbergen. You can find the program of the workshop here.Special Issue 'Deleuze and Guattari Studies' (ed. Julie Van der Wielen)
The latest issue of 'Deleuze and Guattari Studies' was edited by ETHU-member Julie Van der Wielen. More info here.ETHU welcomes Julie Van der Wielen as new member
Julie Van der Wielen is a postdoctoral researcher at Vrije Universiteit Brussel. Her main research interests are twentieth century French philosophy and philosophical anthropology.Publicatie: 'Wat ons verplicht II' (Karl Verstrynge)
Graag attenderen wij u op het verschijnen van het tweede deel in de trilogie Wat ons verplicht van Karl Verstrynge.ETHU welcomes Becky Revalk as new member
Becky Revalk holds a PhD in Philosophy of Religion from Harvard University (2022), an MA from the University of Virginia (2010), and a BA and BS from Indiana University (2008).ETHU welcomes Berta Galofré Claret as new member
Berta Galofré Claret is a doctoral researcher at the Department of Philosophy and Moral Sciences, Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB).
- Practical info-
Arts & Philosophy PhD Day
PhD Day of the Faculty of Arts and Philosophy, where PhD researchers from all research groups in the faculty present and discuss their research.
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Conference: Entangled Humanism – October 7-8, 2019
The Centre for Ethics and Humanism (VUB) is pleased to invite you to the international conference ‘Entangled Humanism’: Rethinking humanity in the face of social and ecological concerns with the American political philosopher William Connolly, on October 7-8, 2019.
- Practical info
Studiedag: Verlichting en vrijdenken aan de VUB: terugblik en actualiteit – 11 december 2019
Het Centrum voor Ethiek en Humanisme nodigt u van harte uit op de studiedag 'Verlichting en vrijdenken aan de VUB: terugblik en actualiteit' op woensdag 11 december 2019.
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Annual ETHU Seminar 2019-2020 – Objects, Technology, Existence: Engaging with Graham Harman’s OOO
* CORONA VIRUS UPDATE, March 12th, 2020 *
In light of the most recent emergency measures around the Corona (COVID-19) virus, this symposium is cancelled.
- Practical info
Research seminar 'Media Philosophy and Media Theory' – Edition 2020-2021
Digital media and technology are ubiquitous and have in transformed our world in the recent decades. At almost every moment of our lives we create data – consciously or unconsciously.
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ETHU PhD Presentation: Latif Kadri
At the ETHU PhD Presentations, our PhD researchers present their research – either giving an overview of their entire project, discussing a paper-in-progress, or testing out a future presentation. Everyone is welcome and warmly invited to offer feedback.
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Annual ETHU Seminar 2020-2021 – Objects, Technology, Existence: Engaging with Graham Harman’s OOO
The Centre for Ethics and Humanism (ETHU) at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB) kindly invites you to its Annual ETHU Seminar, edition 2020-2021:
Objects, Technology, Existence: Engaging with Graham Harman’s OOO.
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ETHU PhD Presentation: Jan Jasper Mathé
At the ETHU PhD Presentations, our PhD researchers present their research – either giving an overview of their entire project, discussing a paper-in-progress