A new edition of the annual French Connection seminar will take place on the 9th of February. This year, the seminar will consist of three lectures, respectively on Deleuze, Guattari, and Latour. This EtHu seminar is open to undergraduate, graduate and PhD-students without any background on the thought of these philosophers.
Places are limited! Registration required: julie.van.der.wielen@vub.be
Meeting room LW, building C, 5th floor
11:00 – 12:15 Belén Ciancio, “How to do things with images? Performativity of Images after Deleuze’s Cinema Studies”
14:00 – 15:15 Anthony Faramelli (Goldsmiths, University of London), “The Fascist Abject: Postmedia Subjectivity and the Alt-Right”
Coffee break
15:30 – 16:45 Didier Debaise (Université Libre de Bruxelles), “The Nature of the Moderns. How to think the Resumption of Latour’s Inquiry into Modes of Existence?”
Belén Ciancio is a researcher at CONICET (National Scientific and Technical Research Council), where she lectures in cinema and philosophy, the modulation between memory, images and gender studies, critical theory and other areas like Latin American studies. Author of Estudios sobre cine: (Pos) memoria, cuerpo, género (Cinema studies: (post)memory, body, gender), a situated read of Deleuzean cinema studies and a cartography of the emergence of that field in Argentina, editor and author of Imágenes paganas: otras memorias otros géneros (Pagan images: other memories, other genders). She published numerous papers, chapters in books and shorts essays in journals on the mentioned research issues, and recently coordinated the projects: Articulations and tensions between theories, (audio)visual and artistic practices, archives and places of (post)memory, and How to do things with images?, focused on the variation between representation, performativity, and the “audio visual a priori”. She is also an audiovisual practitioner, currently working on the essay film Congresos, fracaso de una tesis (Congresses, failure of a thesis).
Anthony Faramelli is a psychosocial researcher and practitioner. He lectures in Visual Cultures at Goldsmiths, University of London where he is the co-head of the Centre for Institutional Analysis. Anthony is also on the Executive Board of the Association for Psychosocial Studies and a member of the Transversal Institutional Analysis Network. His research draws on the theories and practices of Institutional Psychotherapy, with a particular focus on the contributions made by Fanon and Guattari. He is the author of Resistance, Revolution and Fascism: Zapatismo and Assemblage Politics and, with Rob White and David Hancock, an editor of Spaces of Crisis and Critique: Heterotopias Beyond Foucault. He is currently writing a monograph provisionally titled The Mass Psychology of Fascism in the Age of Machines.
Didier Debaise is a permanent researcher at the Fonds National de la Recherche Scientifique (FNRS) and the director of the Center of Philosophy at Free University of Brussels (ULB) where he teaches contemporary philosophy. He is one of the co-founders, with Isabelle Stengers, of the Groupe d’études constructivistes (Geco). His main areas of research are contemporary forms of speculative philosophy, theories of events, and links between American pragmatism and French contemporary philosophy. He wrote three books on Whitehead’s philosophy (Un empirisme spéculatif, Le vocabulaire de Whitehead and L’appât des possibles), edited volumes on pragmatism (Vie et experimentation), on the history of contemporary metaphysics (Philosophie des possessions), and wrote numerous papers on Bergson, Tarde, Souriau, Simondon, and Deleuze. In 2017, two of his books appeared in English: Nature as Event: The Lure of the Possible and Speculative Empiricism: Revisiting Whitehead. He is currently working on a new book, Pragmatique de la terre.